#include <Library.h>
Public Methods | |
Library (void) | |
virtual | ~Library () |
void | initialize (void) |
void | addFragment (const Fragment &p_fragment, int p_position=Library::LAST_POSITION) |
void | deleteFragmentByIndex (const int p_position) |
void | pruneBasedOnOccurence (float p_fraction_to_keep) |
void | pruneZeroOccurence (void) |
void | pruneWithGoodnessFraction (const float p_threshold_fraction) |
void | pruneNWorstFragment (const int p_number) |
void | resetFragmentList (void) |
void | buildSubLibrary (const int p_nbr_division, const int p_index, Library *p_library) const |
void | shuffle (void) |
double | calculateSumScoreUpTo (float p_fraction) |
const std::string & | getLibraryName (void) const |
void | setLibraryName (const std::string &p_Name) |
Fragment * | getFragmentByIndex (const int p_index) const |
const std::vector< Fragment * > & | getFragmentList (void) const |
const std::vector< Fragment * > & | getRejectedFragmentList (void) const |
int | getNumberOfFragment (void) const |
int | getNumberOfRejectedFragment (void) const |
int | getNumberOfInitialFragment (void) const |
void | setIsKeptConstant (const bool p_is_kept_constant) |
bool | getIsKeptConstant (void) const |
int | getPotentialGoodnessCount (void) const |
void | setPotentialGoodnessCount (int p_potential) |
Default constructor. |
Default destructor |
Add a fragment to the Library. |
Subdivide the main Fragment list in equally sized smaller libraries, build one of these and return it.
Sum up the occurence count of the Fragment from first to last. The Fragment list is not sorted before.
Remove the Fragment in the list at the specified position. |
Return a pointer on a Fragment at a specified position.
Return the main list of Fragment. |
Returns 'true' if the Library is kept constant (not responding to removal methods). Return 'false' otherwise. |
Getter of the Library's name. |
Return the number of Fragment in main list (kept, not rejected). |
Return the number of Fragment initially read (size of main list and rejected list added). |
Return the number of Fragment in rejected list. |
Return the maximum occurence count that this library can possibly get. This has to be initially set with the method setPotentialGoodnessCount(). |
Return the rejected list of Fragments. |
Remove all the links to the fragments associated to this Library. Reset other properties as well. |
Move the Fragments with the lowest occurence counter into the rejected list. The list of fragment do not contain these moved fragments anymore. The Fragment list is first sorted.
Remove the last fragments in the sorted list (based on occurence count, highest count first). The removed Fragments are moved into the rejected list.
Remove some Fragment from the main list, add them in the rejected list. Set to zero the occurence count in all remaining fragment. The Fragment list is first sorted. |
Move all the Fragments with a zero occurence counter to the rejected list. |
Empty the rejected fragment list and put back these fragments into the main Fragment list. |
Set this Library as constant or not.
Setter of the Library's name. |
Set the maximum occurence count that this Library can possibly get. |
Shuffle the fragments: randomly change the fragment positions. |